Preamble In an effort to contribute more to my blog and help jog my memory, I have decided to start a series of blogs detailing some popular design patterns and how I have used them. Chain of Responsiblilty The Chain of Responsibility pattern is defined as follows: “Gives more than one object an opportunity to handle a request by linking receiving objects together” - Gang of Four book on Design Patterns
Hibernate Batch Inserts
13 Apr 2017The other day I was building our new orders interface in VueJS and I came across a performance problem on large orders where we were creating a large number of Hibernate objects in one request. For 750 objects the request was taking around 2 minutes. This was certainly unacceptable as the whole reason I was building a new orders interface was to scale better and provide a better UX. So I started looking at options to do a batch insert instead, unfortunately we are stuck on Hibernate 2 at the moment due to a rather large code base that cannot be easily upgraded.
My work at SOLIDitech
08 Apr 2017I’ve been working at SOLIDitech in Cape Town, South Africa since May 2011. It’s been an amazing experience and as I prepare to move to Melbourne, Australia at the end of April, I figure I should spend some time reflecting on the projects and challenges I worked through. First, though, a bit about the company; SOLIDitech is a software firm that develops it’s own Business Automation Platform targeted at Internet Service Providers.