Coding Challenge: Coin Dispense System


I have started cleaning up and updating my Github account as more and more companies these days are likely to view it. Because I don’t have many open-source projects, I have uploaded a rather meaty coding challenge that I completed back in 2015.

The Coding Challenge

In 2015 I interviewed at a global mobile payments company for the position of Android Developer. At the time I had no commericial Android development experience but nevertheless was invited to complete a coding challenge after I had passed a screening call.

The challenge story was slightly non-sensical as it involved a user entering in a cash amount to pay for their existing account balance on a mobile app and then being displayed a breakdown of any change to be returned. This required me to build both a backend API and an android app, which I think is quite a big ask for a job application. However I love to code and loathe white-board coding so I took up the challenge and was excited to build both these elements from scratch.

I completed the project over a weekend, went for a final interview on-site where after going through my code and design decisions with the team lead and architect, I was offered the job.

In the end I remained at my then-current employer but atleast I had the following neat projects for my portfolio.

REST Web Service

Github: Coin Dispense Service
Tools: NetBeans (IDE), Postman (API Testing)

Frameworks / Libraries:


  • api/v1/public/authenticate - accepts and verifies credentials then returns a user profile as well as a JSON Web Token to authenticate future requests.
  • api/v1/authenticated/payment - accepts a payment amount, subtracts the payment amount from the user’s account, updates the user profile and returns a breakdown of any change to be dispensed.


  • If an amount owed as change is less than the lowest denomination (2 cents), ignore that remainder.

Android Client

Github: Coin Dispense Client
Tools: Android Studio

Frameworks / Libraries:


  • The client only accepts a single rand note value.


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